We are a team passionate about reimagining modern communication tools to unite families through a process of value development and strategic methods for motivating academics. We are working to transform education by offering a new way to interact with students, a new way to provide a sense of belonging, and a new way to build relationships in a way that adolescents understand. We are creating a medium that will provide the mindset, behaviors, learning strategies, and social skills for students to be successful in the 21st Century. We believe that all students deserve to have a positive, encouraging environment and parents need access to comprehensive and sophisticated tools to best position their child/ren for success.
We believe that most parents want what’s best for their kids; however, they rely too much on negative approaches – nagging, threats, or taking away things – to motivate kids. Too often their efforts to help only generate resistance and can damage family relationship.
Guided Family has set out to provide an interactive tool that guides parents – and students – through the most difficult aspects of education. Our goal is to leverage the power of the family and get parents back to focusing on fun and bonding experiences with their kids.